The Golden Fish Picture Book created by Cartoonist Jamaal R. James

Our little golden fish is going to look for some food in the water hopefully he finds something to  a big sea he can’t find is that possible?

The Golden Fish Picture Book comic created by Cartoonist Jamaal R. James for James Creative Arts And Entertainment Company.
The Golden Fish Picture Book comic created by Cartoonist Jamaal R. James for James Creative Arts And Entertainment Company.

Roughabite Picture Book Comic Strip created by Cartoonist Jamaal R. James

In this posting our friend gets some exercise again after relaxing for a such a long period of time. Now get to work little guy. Get to work.

Roughabite Picture Book Comic created by cartoonist Jamaal R. James for James Creative Arts And Entertainment Company. Exercise.
Roughabite Picture Book Comic created by cartoonist Jamaal R. James for James Creative Arts And Entertainment Company. Exercise.

Roughabite Picture Book Comic created by Cartoonist Jamaal R. James

In this new post our friend has plans for his next idea and goes to work on it again. Have fun and good luck little guy.


Roughabite Picture Book Comic created by Cartoonist Jamaal R. James for James Creative Arts And Entertainment Company. illustraion, children's literature
Roughabite Picture Book Comic created by Cartoonist Jamaal R. James for James Creative Arts And Entertainment Company. illustraion, children’s literature

Roughabite Children’s Picture Book Comic created by Cartoonist Jamaal R. James

In this posting our friend goes back thru the snow to get back to his rock lair and plans his next project or he might take another vacation.

Roughabite Picture Book Comic created by Cartoonist Jamaal R. James for James Creative Arts And Entertainment Company. illustraion, children's literature
Roughabite Picture Book Comic created by Cartoonist Jamaal R. James for James Creative Arts And Entertainment Company. illustraion, children’s literature

Roughabite Children’s Comic Strip created by Cartoonist Jamaal R. James

After seeing that the bridge has completed and giving the okay Roughabite goes back to his rock lair and chills out for a little bit.

Roughabite Picture Book comic created by Cartoonist Jamaal R. James for James Creative Arts And Entertainment Company. Construction. Bridge Builder.
Roughabite Picture Book comic created by Cartoonist Jamaal R. James for James Creative Arts And Entertainment Company. Construction. Bridge Builder.

Roughabite Picture Book Comic created by Cartoonist Jamaal R. James

In this posting after seeing that all the lines of the bridge are aligned the little guy decides to do all that he needs to do and gives the final blessing to the project so that it can be completed.

Roughabite Children's picture book comic created by Cartoonist Jamaal R. James for James Creative Arts And Entertainment Company. snow, illustration, illustrator.
Roughabite Children’s picture book comic created by Cartoonist Jamaal R. James for James Creative Arts And Entertainment Company. snow, illustration, illustrator.


Roughabite Picture Book Comic created by Cartoonist Jamaal R. James

After walking thru the snow and checking on the bridge our little friend is tired again. So he decided to get some rest. Rest little guy rest.

Roughabite Children's picture book comic created by Cartoonist Jamaal R. James for James Creative Arts And Entertainment Company. snow, illustration, illustrator.
Roughabite Children’s picture book comic created by Cartoonist Jamaal R. James for James Creative Arts And Entertainment Company. snow, illustration, illustrator.Roughabite Picture Book Comic



Roughabite Children’s Comic Strip created by Jamaal R. James

In this posting our friend looks at himself in the mirror. Enjoy.

Roughabite Comic Strip created by Jamaal R. James for James Creative Arts And Entertainment Company.
Roughabite Comic Strip created by Jamaal R. James for James Creative Arts And Entertainment Company.

Roughabite Children’s Comic Strip created by Jamaal R. James

In this latest update the one and only little guy makes it a point to drink water especially in this weather. When its hot we drink lots of water but when its cold it’s almost like we forget. Stay hydrated and Happy. JJ

Roughabite Comic Strip created by Jamaal R. James for James Creative Arts And Entertainment Company.
Roughabite Comic Strip created by Jamaal R. James for James Creative Arts And Entertainment Company.