Donut World 1.1 Comic Strip created by Jamaal R. James

This comic strip…..Donut World 1.1 was created by Jamaal R. James for James Creative Arts And Entertainment Company.

Donut World 1.1 Comic Strip created by Jamaal R. James for James Creative Arts And Entertainment Company.
Donut World 1.1 Comic Strip created by Jamaal R. James for James Creative Arts And Entertainment Company.

Roughabite Comic Strip created by Jamaal R. James

Hello People of the Universe. Lol. Well enjoy this comic strip called Roughabite Comics created by Jamaal R. James, for James Creative Arts And Entertainment Company.

Roughabite comics by Jamaal R James for World What Fun by James Creative Arts and Entertainment Company
Roughabite comics by Jamaal R James for World What Fun by James Creative Arts and Entertainment Company

Little A and J’s Adventures created by Jamaal R. James

Thanks again for checking out another episode of Little A and J’s Adventures.

Little A and J's Adventures created by Jamaal R James for James Creative Arts and Entertainment Company
Little A and J’s Adventures created by Jamaal R James for James Creative Arts and Entertainment Company

Where did Clowns come from? by James Creative Arts & Entertainment Company

james creative arts and entertainment company
james creative arts and entertainment company
james creative arts and entertainment company
james creative arts and entertainment company

I did some research about the profession. Apparently Kings used to have clowns and court jesters in their main chamber to keep them entertained and spirits up. Whenever a clown wasn’t funny or wasn’t able to make the kind laugh she/he was killed. The clown knew exactly what to say and how to say it. The clown also knew all that was going on in the kingdom because everyone saw the clown as a joke. Yet the clown was privy to all the conversations in the king’s chambers. The clown hasn’t gained much promenance in today’s day and age as the makeup and gotti costume tends to scare little kids and even some adults. The picture about is from a birthday party of a 10 year named Gavin. It was a very fun party. There is a very popular dance right now called “Yeet” so I was showing the young children how to “yeet”. The 2nd pic is of some girls that got face painting at the party. Until next time.

DonutWorld 1.1 Cartoon & Video by James Creative Arts & Entertainment Company

So this was the first intro video created. For a them that I drawed up in my head about a donut superhero cartoon. The theme was/is pretty basic. Just a regular guy trying to save the world from all the various evils. So enjoy. The second video is the trailer to the first don’t worry more episodes will be coming soon.

The episode doesn’t really finish at the time I got lazy and took a different direction than what I should have originally I guess its a blessing and a curse being creative and having all these ideas and all. Oh well. Enjoy, more to come soon.