Roughabite Comic Strip created by Jamaal R. James

In this posting our playful friend decides to build something, now what he will build we will never know. LOL. Well enjoy.

Roughabite Comic Strip created by Jamaal R. James for James Creative Arts And Entertainment Company.
Roughabite Comic Strip created by Jamaal R. James for James Creative Arts And Entertainment Company.


Roughabite Comic Strip created by Jamaal R. James

In this episode, our friend decides t dance to some Christmas Eve Jams. Our friend likes to have fun aot of times and especially around the Holidays.

Roughabite Comic Strip created by Jamaal R. James for James Creative Arts And Entertainment Company.
Roughabite Comic Strip created by Jamaal R. James for James Creative Arts And Entertainment Company.

Roughabite Comic Strip created by Jamaal R. James

In this episode it looks like our little friend gets lost in a snow storm. If you have ever had this happen its pretty scary. So hopefully known of us has to go thru this. But if you are ever caught in a snow storm please don’t exit the car unless absolutely necessary because they send around snow plows and rescue units to check areas where people might be stranded. Well enjoy these few days before Christmas and don’t forget to enjoy your family and loved ones as well.

Roughabite Comic Strip created by Jamaal R. James for James Creative Arts And Entertainment Company.
Roughabite Comic Strip created by Jamaal R. James for James Creative Arts And Entertainment Company.

Little A and J’s Adventures Comic Strip created by Jamaal R. James

Little A and J's Adventures Comic Strip created by Jamaal R James for James Creative Arts and Entertainment Company
Little A and J’s Adventures Comic Strip created by Jamaal R James for James Creative Arts and Entertainment Company

In this episode, Little A and J, decided to build a mini bridge. It takes time, effort and energy to build a bridge, but they did it. Thanks for watching.


Roughabite Comic Strip created by Jamaal R. James

In this comic strip Roughabite decided to do some juggling. That’s all. Enjoy and Happy Holidays.

Roughabite Comic Strip created by Jamaal R. James for James Creative Arts And Entertainment Company.
Roughabite Comic Strip created by Jamaal R. James for James Creative Arts And Entertainment Company.

Roughabite Comic Strip created by Jamaal R. James

Roughabite decides that he is going to help raise some money for charity since he has so much free time. Thank you for what you have given to the world Roughabite, your Awesome. Roughabite Comic Strip was created by Jamaal R. James for James Creative Arts And Entertainment Company.

Roughabite Comic Strip created by Jamaal R. James for James Creative Arts And Entertainment Company.
Roughabite Comic Strip created by Jamaal R. James for James Creative Arts And Entertainment Company.

Roughabite Comic Strip created by Jamaal R. James

In this posting of the online comic strip Roughabite, Roughabite decides to fly on some Christmas light chords. Oh how we Love him so much. Roughabite Comic Strip was created by Jamaal R. James for James Creative Arts And Entertainment Company.

Roughabite Comic Strip created by Jamaal R. James for James Creative Arts And Entertainment Company.
Roughabite Comic Strip created by Jamaal R. James for James Creative Arts And Entertainment Company.

Roughabite Comic Strip created by Jamaal R. James

In this posting of Roughabite Comic Strip, Roughabite decides to try some acrobatic acts. He trys to see if he can balance some Christmas Ornaments. So enjoy this cool cartoon and soon to come coloring pages. Roughabite Comic Strip was created by Jamaal R. James for James Creative Arts And Entertainment Company.

Roughabite Comic Strip created by Jamaal R. James for James Creative Arts And Entertainment Company.
Roughabite Comic Strip created by Jamaal R. James for James Creative Arts And Entertainment Company.

Roughabite Comic Strip created by Jamaal R. James

In this episode of Roughabite Comic Strip, Roughabite is in charge of the opening sign during the holiday Christmas shopping rush. LOL. Oh little rich, Roughabite, if you only knew how badly some people shop in order to get the gifts they want. So this is also a reminder enjoy the holiday season but don’t let it make you loose your mind. Roughabite Comic Strip was created by Jamaal R. James for James Creative Arts And Entertainment Company.

Roughabite comics by Jamaal R James for Children's Creative Comics Online by James Creative Arts and Entertainment Company
Roughabite comics by Jamaal R James for Children’s Creative Comics Online by James Creative Arts and Entertainment Company

Roughabite Comic Strip created by Jamaal R. James

In this episode of Roughabite Comic Strip, Roughabite and the Christmas tree get into a disagreement over cutting the tree down. Roughabite Comic Strip was created by Jamaal R. James for James Creative Arts And Entertainment Company.

Roughabite comics by Jamaal R James for Children's Creative Comics Online by James Creative Arts and Entertainment Company
Roughabite comics by Jamaal R James for Children’s Creative Comics Online by James Creative Arts and Entertainment Company