Roughabite Children’s Comic Strip created by Jamaal R. James

In this posting our little friend continues to express himself thru pictures so enjoy. That’s all people of the world. Have a wonderful day.

Roughabite Comic Strip created by Jamaal R. James for James Creative Arts And Entertainment Company.
Roughabite Comic Strip created by Jamaal R. James for James Creative Arts And Entertainment Company.

Roughabite Children’s Comic Strip created by Jamaal R. James

Good morning Friend. We hope this drawing finds you in good spirit. No worries, and enjoy this painting that Roughabite has layed out for you.

Roughabite Comic Strip created by Jamaal R. James for James Creative Arts And Entertainment Company.
Roughabite Comic Strip created by Jamaal R. James for James Creative Arts And Entertainment Company.

Roughabite Children’s Comic Strip created by Cartoonist Jamaal R. James

In this posting our little man Roughabite goes and posts some more hand drawn drawings for you. Enjoy.

Roughabite Comic Strip created by Jamaal R. James for James Creative Arts And Entertainment Company.
Roughabite Comic Strip created by Jamaal R. James for James Creative Arts And Entertainment Company.

Roughabite Children’s Comic Strip created by Jamaal R. James

In this posting the little man paints some more wonderful abstract pictures for yah. Enjoy!

Roughabite Comic Strip created by Jamaal R. James for James Creative Arts And Entertainment Company.
Roughabite Comic Strip created by Jamaal R. James for James Creative Arts And Entertainment Company.

Roughabite Children’s Comic Strip by Cartoonist Jamaal R. James

So our friend is back from hiding is on a retreat where he is going to draw everyday for you either a concept or idea or whatever his muse is telling him to do. Enjoy.

Roughabite Comic Strip created by Jamaal R. James for James Creative Arts And Entertainment Company.
Roughabite Comic Strip created by Jamaal R. James for James Creative Arts And Entertainment Company.

Children Quotes by Erik Erikson